Is Organic SEO More Effective Than Google Adwords
What is organic SEO?
Organic SEO is the means of getting a website ranked highly in a Search Engine such as Google, as opposed to using an advertising service which will artificially put you at the top of searches until your funds run out.
Total Creation offer organic SEO, basically, it is cheap SEO or search engine optimization. Usually, it is algorithm driven result (and unpaid) in particular search engines. However, these days, organic SEO includes not just the natural results in a search engine by cheap SEO but also what ways are being used to achieve these results. There are many different ways to achieve this, but generally organic SEO is either white hat - which is content based and stays within the terms and conditions of search engines - or black hat - which is technology drive and ignores many terms and conditions of search engines. Black hat is a clear example of cheap SEO. Through both these systems, you are trying to get your website higher up in the list of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Every website owner strives to have their website on the first page of Google, and preferably as the first result, but this takes very careful planning.
If you want to get to the top instantly and have funds for this, then Google Adwords, on the other hand, is all about affiliates placing advertisements on the AdWords network by using keywords. They then write an advertisement and set a CPC, which is cost per click. This is the amount that you will pay if a user clicks on your ad. The higher your CPC, the higher your advertisement will get listed on Google. It is a great way to make money if you are able to bid on the right ads and carefully plan these things. Also, it is completely within the terms and conditions of the search engine. Conclusion:
So, is organic SEO more effective than Google Adwords? Well, the reality is that it all depends on how well you manage your campaign, and how competitive the market you are in is. The more competitive the more you will be paying Google Adwords, and the Return on Invesment may be lower than an organic SEO campaign. Organic SEO can be cheap SEO, but it is possible that this is because you don't stick to the rules, which can have very negative consequences, of course. Google Adwords is more of a gambling game, but if you gamble right, it will certainly pay off. However, both white hat and black hat SEO generally has higher results, although you could be considered as spamming the internet. Choosing which one works best for you really depends on how effective you are - and whether or not you get caught if you break the rules a little bit. With Adwords, you could hit it lucky and make tons of money, or you could buy the wrong ad and be left severely out of pocket. Also, because there are many professional SEO companies around on the market, it is very likely that your organic SEO campaign is ineffective, as others know all the tricks of the trade to get their own pages on the first page of search results in the major search engines.