What is PHP and how it is used in Web Design
"PHP", otherwise known as personal homepage or hypertext preprocessor, was designed to produce dynamic webpages when developing websites. Since its creation in 1995 PHP has visibly changed the scenario of web design development. Over 20,000,000 of the websites and web servers in use today use PHP as a server-side programming language. This is nearly three-fourths of the websites all over the world. Website content management systems using PHP include WordPress and Moodle, as well as such sites as Wikipedia, Facebook and many blogs. It is one of the most commonly used server side programming languages in the world today.
PHP is clearly preferred for web designs because it is free of charge, and is used globally by web designers.PHP is an excellent option for cheap web design. The PHP group provides a complete source code that allows users to build, customize and extend a web design as needed. PHP easily works with any operating system including Lennox, Mac, OS X, and Linux. PHP also supports most of the Web servers in use, including Apache and IIS.
Since it is a server-side scripting language, PHP has no need for installation and requires less processor space. Simply put, this means it does not affect this speed of your system. With PHP's flexibility, scalability and usability in a user-friendly design, this makes it one of the most versatile languages for creating webpages. One of PHP's key factors is it is very easy to use on any skill level, from newcomers to professional programmers. With PHP, you can easily be writing simple scripts within a matter of hours.
With PHP's dynamic content for web servers allows users to focus on server-side scripting languages. PHP has developed a command line interface capability that can be used in standalone graphics applications. PHP users are not limited to HTML output; they can easily use any text, such as XHTML or other XML file formatting. PHP users also have the ability to include other types of images, such as PDF files and flash movies. These can be auto generated and saved in a system instead of having to be printed out, forming a server-side cache for a user’s dynamic content.
By using PHP, it is easy to maintain a search engine friendly website and avoid complicated web searches that confuse search engines. This allows you to reach your websites, potential in meeting SEO marketing targets. PHP helps to optimize the speed of webpages since processing occurs on the side of the server and not the user. It is easy to embed PHP into a page, or created as an extension. This allows whichever script is on a webpage to be visible, unlike JavaScript which cannot be viewed when disabled on the computer.